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fascial stretch therapy™

Fascial Stretch Therapy™ (FST) is a therapist-led stretching regimen that focuses on stretching your connective tissues and muscles. FST can be beneficial for anyone who is experiencing tightness. FST is also often used as a recovery method for athletes who tend to overwork their bodies and experience symptoms like joint pain or muscle strain. After the short assessment, your therapist will perform a dedicated FST service focused on your symptoms. Stretching can help increase strength, improve mobility and balance, decrease fatigue, and assist with body control. You and your therapist can determine how much time will be spent stretching and massaging. This treatment will be billed under RMT.

Fascial Stretch Therapy™ (FST)

What is Fascial Stretch Therapy™?

The FST Practitioner utilizes a unique, proprietary brand of manual stretching, compression, and oscillation to modulate the tension of fascial tissues where indicated.

Objective measurements like ROM (range of motion) full body functional movements, strength, balance, speed, power, HRV (heart rate variability), BP (blood pressure), tissue specific frequency and pain scores among other tests have all been shown to improve, often dramatically, after a FST session. Improvements in sleep, digestion, mood, mental alertness and function, attitude, and other factors have been attributed to FST by patients.

Recognizing the crucial role that the fascial system plays in the human body, mind, emotions, and spirit, Fascia Stretch Therapy specializes in evaluating and assessing the individual before treating the person with assisted stretching alone or combined with other techniques and modalities. Unlike standardized, cookie-cutter approaches utilizing the same number and type of stretches for all clients, FST is personalized such that each person is analyzed and treated specific to their needs and goals (Frederick, 2017)

Structurally, the fascia system suspends, supports, and enables all anatomical movement from skin to cells and everything in between. When fascia is restricted by immobility, injury, and lifestyle, it gets compressed, shortens, and space is diminished within joints and the entire body. These restrictions can result in pain and reduced function, negatively impacting many aspects of your life. The Facia Stretch Therapy technique is a method of practitioner led stretching that aims to treat the whole person, not just a body part. It is pain-free and uses constant circulatory, gently oscillating movements of traction and stabilization to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues. Beyond gaining range of motion where needed, one experiences vastly improved kinesthesia (ability to move with ease) and proprioception (sense of one’s posture both when still and in movement).

What are the benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy™? :

  • improved performance - balance, speed, power

  • improved posture

  • faster recovery from strenuous exercise

  • Reduced stress, improve digestion and mood

  • improve sleep

What can I expect during a treatment? 
Your appointment will be 60, 75 or 90-minutes. Your practitioner will conduct a short assessment to determine your specific needs before proceeding with treatment. You will receive both stretch therapy and soft tissue massage work during your appointment.

Ronald Boado is a registered massage therapist and Level 2 Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist. This appointment can be billed under Registered Massage Therapy if you will be using your extended health benefits.

For more information on Fascial Stretch Therapy™ please click this link Stretch to Win® Institute.